PCDA (P) Circular No 24 incorporates the details
of pension of pre - 2006 and Pre -1996 Retired Medical Officers of AMS, RVC & ADC who were in the receipt of Non Practicing Allowance. In view of the Judgement of the Supreme Court they are now entitled to the NPA element as part of their emoluments in reckoning the pension. Download this circular from PCDA (P) Site - Click on this link or copy paste the same in your browser -- http://www.pcdapension.nic.in/6cpc/Circular-24.pdf .
The circular includes tables of pensions for the periods of 5th as well as 6th CPC. The tables as mentioned earlier in Cir-500 ( Download from - http://www.pcdapension.nic.in/6cpc/Circular-500.pdf ) stand replaced by the new tables in Cir-24 effective wef 1.1.2006. The difference which is primarily the NPA element is payable for the periods of 5th as well as 6th CPC. It is best explained with the example mentioned below.
आगे पढ़ने के लिए नीचे क्लिक करें
The circular includes tables of pensions for the periods of 5th as well as 6th CPC. The tables as mentioned earlier in Cir-500 ( Download from - http://www.pcdapension.nic.in/6cpc/Circular-500.pdf ) stand replaced by the new tables in Cir-24 effective wef 1.1.2006. The difference which is primarily the NPA element is payable for the periods of 5th as well as 6th CPC. It is best explained with the example mentioned below.
आगे पढ़ने के लिए नीचे क्लिक करें