PCDA (P) Circular No 24 incorporates the details
of pension of pre - 2006 and Pre -1996 Retired Medical Officers of AMS, RVC & ADC who were in the receipt of Non Practicing Allowance. In view of the Judgement of the Supreme Court they are now entitled to the NPA element as part of their emoluments in reckoning the pension. Download this circular from PCDA (P) Site - Click on this link or copy paste the same in your browser -- http://www.pcdapension.nic.in/6cpc/Circular-24.pdf .
The circular includes tables of pensions for the periods of 5th as well as 6th CPC. The tables as mentioned earlier in Cir-500 ( Download from - http://www.pcdapension.nic.in/6cpc/Circular-500.pdf ) stand replaced by the new tables in Cir-24 effective wef 1.1.2006. The difference which is primarily the NPA element is payable for the periods of 5th as well as 6th CPC. It is best explained with the example mentioned below.
आगे पढ़ने के लिए नीचे क्लिक करें
The circular includes tables of pensions for the periods of 5th as well as 6th CPC. The tables as mentioned earlier in Cir-500 ( Download from - http://www.pcdapension.nic.in/6cpc/Circular-500.pdf ) stand replaced by the new tables in Cir-24 effective wef 1.1.2006. The difference which is primarily the NPA element is payable for the periods of 5th as well as 6th CPC. It is best explained with the example mentioned below.
आगे पढ़ने के लिए नीचे क्लिक करें
BASIC PENSION. The basic pension for 25.5 (QS of 250318) years of service
of a Lt Col of AMC comes to as Rs 33246 vide Cir-24. When calculated as per Cir-500 including
NPA @ 25% of the pension mentioned in Cir-500, it comes to Rs 33245. difference of Re 1 is ignorable and is due to rounding offs done in computer calculations.
(i) Basic Pension (Cir-500) - Rs 26,596
(ii) NPA @ 25% of this - Rs 6,649
(iii) Total basic pension - Rs 33,245 (This should be the fig in Cir-24)
(iv) Addl Advanced Age - Rs 6,649 pension on becoming 80 years old @ 20% of (iii)
(v) Service Pension (iii)+(iv) - Rs 39,894
(vi) DR @ 119% on (v) - Rs. 47474
(vii) Entitled pension - Rs. 87367 (Dec-15)
ARREARS PAYABLE - Here knowing your arrears are no difficult. We presume that you have already received your arrears wef 1.1.06 as per Cir-500 and that you were getting the Doctors pension for the period. If so only element which remains payable is the NPA element.
Look up your pension mentioned in Table in Cir-24 against your QS and Rank and note the same down. Let us see the example iro the above Lt Col with 25.5 yrs of QS.
(i) pension as per Cir-24 - Rs 33246.
(ii) Pension as per Cir-500 - Rs 26596. (See Note below)
(iii) Difference - Rs 6650. The amt of arrears per month from 1.1.2006 to Dec 2015.
Arrears - 6650 x 181.74 = 12,085,70 (Here 181.74 is Multiplication Constant for the 6CPC period) which takes into acct the DA payable from time 2 time.
Note -
1. Those officers who were getting different pension than mentioned in Cir-500 by virtue of some error on part of their banks. They should take the actual Basic Pension received by them and take down the difference with the actual pension received and work out the arrears.
2. Thos offrs who have retired post 2006 even they are allowed the NPA as their pension, They should look up their PPO for the amt mentioned on their PPO and calculate.
FAMILY PENSIONERS - The NPA element is authorised to family pensioners of the Medicos. It is again not difficult just work out the arrears as for offrs by the method given here and take 60% of the same which will the arrears for the Ordinary Family Pensioners.
Now let us see the table for 5th C.P.C.
Most of the pre-96 retirees may not not have details of pension received by them during the 5th CPC period as such may not even know the element of NPA. We therefore have devised a simple method and have checked the correctness with actual case who has all the data of pension since his retirement in 1984. Let us proceed
Here again look up the pension mentioned against your QS and Rank in the table for 5th CPC given in Cir-24. The QS is actual physical service given in your PPO without the Rank Weightage which has been incorporated while preparing these tables.
Let us consider a LT Col with 25.5 Yrs of QS pre 1996 retiree.
(i) Lt Col 25.5 yrs - Rs 9295 which incl NPA of that time.
(ii) NPA Element - Rs 1859 ie 20% of (i)
(Since NPA was not paid hence is the unpaid amt of that time as arrears)
(iv) Arrears Entitled - 1859 x 168.345 = 312950.
Here 168.345 is the constant which takes into acct T2T DR for entire 5-CPC.
Note - For those officers who probably retired after 1996 ie some times during the currency of 5th CPC they need to calculate by taking into acct the DA applicable for the pension period.
For their ease the rates of DA during 5th CPC were as under :-
to JUN
to DEC
& 11%
Note - 50% of DA out of 61% was merged with Pension wef 01 Apr 2004
as such the remaining DA of 11% becomes applicable wef Apr 2004 on
one and a half times of the Pension.
I am referring a case of Pre-96 retiree Medical offr, an AMC- Lt Col(S) with 25 Yrs of QS.
ReplyDeleteAs per Annexure A to Cir-24 as on 1.1.1996 his Revised basic pension works out as Rs 9152 which includes NPA of that time.
His basic pension as per 5th CPC, duly verified through Suvigya Software as on 1.1.1996 is Rs 8404 which does not include NPA of that time. Hence arrears calculation for duration of 5th CPC in his case should be [9152-8404= 748] x168.345 = Rs 125922
Whereas if we go by deriving NPA element of Revised pension as per Cir-24, the NPA element of 20% of Rs 9152 works out as Rs 1830 and therefore the Arrears Entitled to him works out as- 1830 x 168.345 = Rs 308071
I think arrears calculated with first method would be correct. May I request you to offer your comments please?
Lt Col KS Gohil(Rtd) - kigohil@yahoo.co.in