With implementation of the OROP the Qualifying Service is now a very important factor for all Pensioners and Family Pensioners. The QS as mentioned in your PPOs is to be considered by the PDAs while fixing your pension under the OROP Scheme. It is therefore important that you must check the same in your PPOs for correctness as per your Records of Service.
For convenience the QS in respect of various types of entries are explained below;-
Pension Regulations for the Army, Part -I (2008)
17. The term qualifying service shall mean:
(a) For Pension –
(i) Officer including Military Nursing Service Officer - Actual qualifying service rendered by the Officer plus a weightage (in years) appropriate to the last rank held as indicated below subject to the total qualifying service including weightage not
exceeding 33 years.
NOTE :: Counting of Privious Service in Ranks. The Qualifying service in the 6th CPC Corr PPO is being noted as under:-
( 1) AO 56/2001 para (I) states that in the past there was a provision for counting of pre-commissioned service in the ranks of the Armed Forces and civil department of Govt. of India towards pension of permanent commissioned officer. Prior to 01 July 1966, only one half of such pre commissioned service was being counted for pension. It was raised to two third w.e.f. 01/07/1966 and full w.e.f. 01/07/1986.
(2) The issue of counting pre-commissioned service was revised by the fourth central pay commission and Govt. of India issued orders for counting of full pre-commissioned service on or after 01/01/1986, vide Note No.(4) under para 5 of Govt. of India ,Ministry of Defence letter No.1(5)/87/D/(Pen/Sers) dated 30/10/1987 which reads as follows :-
"The weightage is auto calculated as per the table under Cir No. 500. Hence No separate information is required to be given. The same will be available on the Public domain of the PCDA(P) Allahabad/Govt of India letter No.1(6)/1998/D(Pen/Ser) dated 30-20-1998".
All cases of pre-01/01/1996 are to be dealt as per order on the subject i.e. Prior to 01/07/1966 QS as OR to be taken half of the gross OR service to commission service. After 01/07/1966 and up to 31/12/1985, Two/Third of the QS as OR, and from 01/01/1986 onwards complete QS as OR is to be added to the commissioned service.
In a particular case where an offr has supposedly retired on 30/04/1979, the net qualifying service as OR to be added in the commissioned service will be 2/3rd of gross OR service.
(ii) Personnel Below Officer Rank - Actual qualifying service rendered by the
individual plus a weightage of 10 years in the case of Sepoy, 8 years in the case of Naik
and 6 years in the case of Havildar and 5 years in the case of Junior Commissioned Officer subject to the total qualifying service including weightage not exceeding 30 years in the case of Sepoy, Naik and Havildar and 33 years in the case a Junior Commissioned Officer.
If qualifying service of a Sepoy, Naik and Havildar is more than 30 years with 5 years
weightage, he would continue to get the same.
NOTE: - The period of service rendered after the date of countersignature of the
proceedings of the medical board, declaring the individual unfit for military service
to the date of actual discharge, will be treated as qualifying service to the grant of
NDA/Direct Entries/SS offrs
Authority - Para 19 Def Svc Regulations Part-1
(a) (ii) In the case of Engineering Graduates, if Short Service Commission is followed by permanent commission, the period during which an Officer holds Short Service Commission on probation will reckon for the purpose of pensionary benefits.
(c) Service in the rank below that of Commissioned Officer – Service in the Armed
Forces in the rank below that of Commissioned Officer, if followed by Commissioned
service without a break subject to the refund of the gratuity in the prescribed manner to the Government, if any, other than war gratuity received in respect of such service. The detailed factor for addition has been explained above.
For convenience the QS in respect of various types of entries are explained below;-
Pension Regulations for the Army, Part -I (2008)
17. The term qualifying service shall mean:
(a) For Pension –
(i) Officer including Military Nursing Service Officer - Actual qualifying service rendered by the Officer plus a weightage (in years) appropriate to the last rank held as indicated below subject to the total qualifying service including weightage not
exceeding 33 years.
NOTE :: Counting of Privious Service in Ranks. The Qualifying service in the 6th CPC Corr PPO is being noted as under:-
( 1) AO 56/2001 para (I) states that in the past there was a provision for counting of pre-commissioned service in the ranks of the Armed Forces and civil department of Govt. of India towards pension of permanent commissioned officer. Prior to 01 July 1966, only one half of such pre commissioned service was being counted for pension. It was raised to two third w.e.f. 01/07/1966 and full w.e.f. 01/07/1986.
(2) The issue of counting pre-commissioned service was revised by the fourth central pay commission and Govt. of India issued orders for counting of full pre-commissioned service on or after 01/01/1986, vide Note No.(4) under para 5 of Govt. of India ,Ministry of Defence letter No.1(5)/87/D/(Pen/Sers) dated 30/10/1987 which reads as follows :-
"The weightage is auto calculated as per the table under Cir No. 500. Hence No separate information is required to be given. The same will be available on the Public domain of the PCDA(P) Allahabad/Govt of India letter No.1(6)/1998/D(Pen/Ser) dated 30-20-1998".
All cases of pre-01/01/1996 are to be dealt as per order on the subject i.e. Prior to 01/07/1966 QS as OR to be taken half of the gross OR service to commission service. After 01/07/1966 and up to 31/12/1985, Two/Third of the QS as OR, and from 01/01/1986 onwards complete QS as OR is to be added to the commissioned service.
In a particular case where an offr has supposedly retired on 30/04/1979, the net qualifying service as OR to be added in the commissioned service will be 2/3rd of gross OR service.
(ii) Personnel Below Officer Rank - Actual qualifying service rendered by the
individual plus a weightage of 10 years in the case of Sepoy, 8 years in the case of Naik
and 6 years in the case of Havildar and 5 years in the case of Junior Commissioned Officer subject to the total qualifying service including weightage not exceeding 30 years in the case of Sepoy, Naik and Havildar and 33 years in the case a Junior Commissioned Officer.
If qualifying service of a Sepoy, Naik and Havildar is more than 30 years with 5 years
weightage, he would continue to get the same.
NOTE: - The period of service rendered after the date of countersignature of the
proceedings of the medical board, declaring the individual unfit for military service
to the date of actual discharge, will be treated as qualifying service to the grant of
NDA/Direct Entries/SS offrs
In their case the QS will be from the date of commission to date of retirement, which is also their commissioned service.
Tech Graduates - Basic Data :
Example as below explains the QS in their case
(a) First day of commencement of training at IMA Dehradun = 06 Aug 1965.
(a) First day of commencement of training at IMA Dehradun = 06 Aug 1965.
Date of passing out from IMA : 15 Jun 1966.
Date of Super Annuation : 31 Mar 1998
Commissioned Service. is from 15 Jun 1966 to 31 Mar 1998. It is the actual service rendered as a Commissioned Officer
Qualifying Service. For pension it is from 06 Aug 1965 to
31 Mar 1998 and the same will be given in the Original PPO under coln 8.
Seniority for Promotions etc. will be counted from 15 Jun 1964 having been granted two years ante-date seniority.
Authority - Para 19 Def Svc Regulations Part-1
(a) (ii) In the case of Engineering Graduates, if Short Service Commission is followed by permanent commission, the period during which an Officer holds Short Service Commission on probation will reckon for the purpose of pensionary benefits.
(c) Service in the rank below that of Commissioned Officer – Service in the Armed
Forces in the rank below that of Commissioned Officer, if followed by Commissioned
service without a break subject to the refund of the gratuity in the prescribed manner to the Government, if any, other than war gratuity received in respect of such service. The detailed factor for addition has been explained above.
(g) Previous pensionable service civil service - Any period of pensionable civil
service under Central/State Government if followed by military service, without a break
and subject to the condition that gratuity and interest, if any, received in respect of such
service being refunded to the Government in the prescribed manner.
( j ) Period of ante-date of commission and secondment in the case of Officer of the Army Medical Corps and Army Dental Corps- The period of ante-date of commission granted to an Officer in respect of an approved whole time appointment held in a recognised civil hospital prior to commissioning and/or possession of a post graduate diploma/higher qualifications; and the periods of secondment of an Officer for the purpose of attending a course in a recognised institution subject to the following maxima:
(i) Ante-date of commission 18 months
(ii) Secondment 12 months
(iii) When both ante-date and secondment have been granted = 24 months
Provided that in the case of an Officer who obtains a post-graduate diploma or higher qualifications while in civil service or in temporary military service, the periods of ante-date given for such higher qualifications shall not be allowed to count for pension/gratuity if such civil service or temporary military service counts for pension or gratuity as a Commissioned Officer. However, if the post graduate diploma or higher qualification is acquired either before joining the civil service or after leaving the civil service and before joining the Army Medical Corps or Army Dental Corps, the periods of ante date granted on account of such higher qualifications shall continue to reckon for pension under the existing rules.
(k) Period of secondment in case of Military Nursing Service Officer- The period of secondment in the case of Military Nursing Service Officer if not exceeding 12 months
in aggregate.
Other Entries - The Qualifiying Service will be equal to the Commissioned Service Plus Service as Other Ranks or Service in State or Central Govt or Erstwhile State Forces that got merged with Indian Armed Forces.
service under Central/State Government if followed by military service, without a break
and subject to the condition that gratuity and interest, if any, received in respect of such
service being refunded to the Government in the prescribed manner.
( j ) Period of ante-date of commission and secondment in the case of Officer of the Army Medical Corps and Army Dental Corps- The period of ante-date of commission granted to an Officer in respect of an approved whole time appointment held in a recognised civil hospital prior to commissioning and/or possession of a post graduate diploma/higher qualifications; and the periods of secondment of an Officer for the purpose of attending a course in a recognised institution subject to the following maxima:
(i) Ante-date of commission 18 months
(ii) Secondment 12 months
(iii) When both ante-date and secondment have been granted = 24 months
Provided that in the case of an Officer who obtains a post-graduate diploma or higher qualifications while in civil service or in temporary military service, the periods of ante-date given for such higher qualifications shall not be allowed to count for pension/gratuity if such civil service or temporary military service counts for pension or gratuity as a Commissioned Officer. However, if the post graduate diploma or higher qualification is acquired either before joining the civil service or after leaving the civil service and before joining the Army Medical Corps or Army Dental Corps, the periods of ante date granted on account of such higher qualifications shall continue to reckon for pension under the existing rules.
(k) Period of secondment in case of Military Nursing Service Officer- The period of secondment in the case of Military Nursing Service Officer if not exceeding 12 months
in aggregate.
Other Entries - The Qualifiying Service will be equal to the Commissioned Service Plus Service as Other Ranks or Service in State or Central Govt or Erstwhile State Forces that got merged with Indian Armed Forces.
Commissioned Service for various entries is as under:-
Technical Graduates = The first day of training in IMA/OTA or
officer training academies of IAF and Navy to date of Retirement .
(b) SS Officers / NDA / Direct Entry - Day of
passing out to the date of Retirement.
(c) ACC Entry Officers = Date of Passing out from IMA to date
of Retirement.
It should be noted that there is difference in Qualifying Service for Pension and the Commissioned service pertaining to certain conditions like Time Scale Promotions based on commissioned service and grant of particular Rate of Pension based on Qualifying Service.
The minimum
period of qualifying service for earning retiring pension shall be 20 years (15
years in the case of late entrants).
Linkage of
full pension with 33 years of qualifying service has been dispensed with w.e.f 01/01/2006.
Wtg in Yrs
9 years
9 Years
8 Years
Lt. Col. (TS)
5 Years
Lt. Col. (S)
7 years
7 Years
5 Years
Genl offrs
3 Years
A fraction
of a year equal to 3 months and above but less than 6 months shall be treated
as a completed ½ year. Similarly, nine months or more but less than one year
shall be treated as a competed one year and reckoned as qualifying service.
This shall, however, not be applicable for completing minimum qualifying
service for pensionary awards incl PMRs.
Serving JCOs/ORs and equivalent ranks of NAVY & AIR FORCE granted EC/SSC, will be eligible
for retiring pension after 12 years of qualifying service (without weightage)
actually rendered.
ECOs/SSCOs retiring after rendering actual qualifying service of 12
years and more but less than 20 years will be granted uniform weightage of 5
years and those retiring after rendering actual qualifying service of 20 years
and more will be granted rank-wise weightage as mentioned in para-5(b)(1) of Govt.
of India, Min. of Defence letter no. 1(6)/98/D(Pen/Sers) dated
03/02/98. shown in the chart above.
Authy : Govt. of India, Min. of Defence letter no.
PCB/39028/AG/PS-4 (A&C)/863/B/D/(Pen/Sers) dt. 28/11/2000.
: - An officer, who is cashiered or dismissed under the provisions of Army Act, is not eligible for pension or gratuity. In exceptional cases, he/she may, at the discretion of President, be granted pension/gratuity at the rate not exceeding that for which he/she would have otherwise qualified, had he/she been retired on the same date in the normal manner.
Auth : Regn. 24 of PRA modified
A late entrant is an officer who is released on reaching the prescribed age limit for compulsory retirement with at least 15 Years service (without weightage) qualifying for pension but whose actual qualifying service is less than 20 Years without weightage.
Authy: Rule 15 P.R.A. modified.
A late entrant is an officer who is released on reaching the prescribed age limit for compulsory retirement with at least 15 Years service (without weightage) qualifying for pension but whose actual qualifying service is less than 20 Years without weightage.
Authy: Rule 15 P.R.A. modified.
Rule position of Fractional service is as under:-
All those retired prior to 28 Jun 1983. Only full years to be counted .
All those retired post 28 Jun 1983. Service beyond three months to be counted
as half a year. Auth: Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter
No.B/38076 /AG/ PS4(a) /2190/A/ (Pension/Service) dated 6.8.1984 with effect
from 28th June,1983.
This was
challenged by Hav KP Nandakumar and Nk CA Joshep in AFT Kochi in 2012. They
demanded those who retired prior to 28 Jun 1983 aslo be given the benefit of
counting fractional service in qualifying service. Their plea was upheld.
Prior to that
AFT Chennai in Capt VCN Kutty Vs Union of India in OA No 37 of 2011 ruled that
fractional service benefit be given to all pre – 28 Jun 1983 pensioners too.
ARMY ACT, 1950.
22. The period of service, which has been forfeited under Section 71(h) of the Army
Act, 1950 by a court martial shall not be counted towards the pensionary awards.
ARMY ACT, 1950.
22. The period of service, which has been forfeited under Section 71(h) of the Army
Act, 1950 by a court martial shall not be counted towards the pensionary awards.
Post 2006 all retirees are entitled full pension for all as long as you are qualified to receive pension. So the stepping up has been waived. What about pre-2006 retirees.
ReplyDeleteThe OROP caters for this being based on QS since it is at par with post 2006 retirees and is not related to 33 yrs of service formula of fraction.
ReplyDeleteHowever for Pre 2006 the formula of 33 yrs as on date stands and is under consideration for wave off, let us wait for the decision since it will be applicable to all retirees of Central Govt.
Dear Sir,
ReplyDeleteI am a pre 2006 PMR,(Lt Col (s) and as per the PPO my QS is 20 yrs 7 mnt and 20 days. How does the weightage of 7 impact the QS??
Dear Col M Krishnan, Your QS for the purpose of looking up the charts is 20.5 but the figures of pension shown against it has already incorporated the 7 yrs of Rank weightage. If you calculate it will be in the proportion of 27.5/33.
ReplyDeletePCDA prepares tables in this manner so that the PDAs just match the QS fron your PPOs and with the tables and pay you as shown in the tables.
Hope it clarifies.
Brig Narinder Dhand
Sir number of submaj's retired as per term(4yr turnover).howover all submaj's pension should be same,because they are not premature retryee.
ReplyDeleteLT COL M. SINGH dear brig narinder sir. i retd in the rank of lt col(ts) with qs 30years 25 days. am i entitled to weightage of 5 years for pension. i retd in 1994.
ReplyDeleteHAving gone through. Entire subject of 33 yrs delinkage
ReplyDeleteI have 15yrs Naval Service. As groupx.as CH.Artificer.am I entitled for revision. For last 10 yrs they have deducted my pension.
Dear sir,
ReplyDeletePlease clarify my doubt, as per pcda circular 555, table no 7 , the basic pension Rs 16160/ for Hony Fg offer and equilents in other two services (33 yrs and above), though I served 38yrs in Air Force , even then they have treated my QS is only 30yrs,,based on that they fixed Orop pension Rs16090 / instead of Rs 16160/' where as same length of Service for MWO and Hony Fl lt treated as a 33yrs and above, I have not understood why different formula is applied for HFO..
Please help me for getting as per Orop basic pension .
Please treat on prirority .
An early action is highly solicited please.
Warm regards
A V reddy
Member 3021
Dear Veterans,
ReplyDeleteI know that most of your comments have either have not been published or not responded to for want of your Email ID, Rank and Name, which is a must for us to respond. We are all military veterans as such our Rank comes before our names. We must be proud of the same even if its a sepoy or General.
Your email ID and your name in the body of your comment helps us to respond directly on individual matters which may not be of any consequence to any one else.
So please do remember to mention your Rank, Name and Email ID, and please don't be rude in what ever you write, it does not speak well of yourself.
Brig Narinder Dhand
let us wait for the MOD letter which is under processing. It will have answer to all questions.
ReplyDeleteIn the mean time it suffices to say that your pension fixed will be 50% of minimum pay in pay band, which has been posted under this post.
Since JCOs and ORs were not on the min of the fitment tables but were at the maximum of tables since 01 July 2009, hence in my opinion they will be affected only from 01 Jan 2006 to 30 Jun 2009.
Brig Narinder Dhand
Dear Brigadier Narinder,
ReplyDeleteI retired as a full colonel after 26 years and 3 days of actual service in the Army that is 27 September 1963 to 01st October 1989. I served in the Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs before going to IMA, Dehra Dun for the GC training. My bank has taken the actual service for calculating the pension that is Rs.34,485/ and not Rs.36,130/- as basic pension. They have not taken my precious service of 6 years and 6 and half months before joining the Army nor the rank weightage of 7 years for Full Colonel. How do I tackle this problem?
Thanking you in anticipation,
IC-18619-K Colonel Krishna Prasad
16th June 2016. 00.27a.m.
Dear Col Prasad,
ReplyDeleteAs a first step check all your PPOs and see what has been written under the QS. If it does not incl your earlier service you have to take up case with AG's Branch MP5 for rectification by checking your dossier.
Brig Narinder Dhand
Sir,my QS as per PPO is 30.5 Yrs.Weightage,as Cdr(SG),of 7 Yrs NOT TAKEN INTO a/c.In fact my Total Service w/o weight age works out to 30 Yrs 8 months 21 days.Request elucidate,why I am not getting full QS of 33 Yrs (including weightage) OR atleast QS of 31 Yrs.Warm regards/Cdr VD Velalkar-email I'd(velalkar@gmail.com) &Mob:09491880650
ReplyDeleteWg Cdr (TS) A B Bhushan
9848048651; 04027805146
TSEWA Mem 285
Dear Sir
I have been reading the mails and getting educated ! I have a query-
I was Commissioned on 25 Dec 64 and opted for Premature release wef 31 may 1988- service 23yrs 5 months and 6 days . I was given 23.5 yrs service with 5 yrs added bringing it to 28.5 yrs . Tho a Wg Cdr TS I served in the vacancy of a Sqn Ldr . is it right for me to claim 8 yrs to be added to my service ( Sqn Ldr/ Major weightage) ? Would it be beneficial if I were to claim 8 yrs and is it tenable ? My letters to Air Force Central accts and JCDA Air Force have not been responded to.
Wg Cdr (TS) A B Bhushan
TSEWAmem 285
9848048651 : 04027805146
Wg Cdr (TS) A B Bhushan
TSEWA mem 285
Dear sir
I was commissioned on 25 dec 64 and opted for VRS wef 31 may 1988 - I wasgiven 23.5 yrs and 5 yrs weightage. I was Wg Cdr TS but served in the vacancy of a Sqn Ldr / Maj . Would it be correct to claim 8 yrs weightage and is it tenable / beneficial ? My letters to AFCAO and JACDA Air force have not been responded to.Kindly advise.
The following email was received from a serving officer, which gives various other authorities iro a Tech Graduate entry officer as reference:-
ReplyDeleteFrom: xxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, 23 January, 2019 14:55
To: xxxx
Subject: clarification on qualifying service for pension
Dear Sir.
I read your blog and comments on signals parivaar website and I aim to seek clarity on the subject of qualifying service for pension.
1. I am a serving Lieutenant Colonel in the Indian Army. I intend resigning from the army after completing the minimum qualifying service for pension in order to join civil aviation at youngest possible age. There is an issue of understanding the rules that govern the minimum qualifying service for pension within the office of Controller of Defence Accounts (CDA). I am a technical entry (I joined the army as an engineering graduate through University Entry Scheme(UES)), and since my period of training at Indian Military Academy(IMA) was considered as probation in the rank of Lieutenant, I contend that my qualifying service for pension must be calculated from the date I reported for training at IMA, and not from the date I was awarded permanent commission.
2. In accordance with Army Instruction(AI) 2/93 amended vide AI 12/96, I was awarded Short Service Commission (SSC) in the rank of Lieutenant on the date of reporting to IMA (18 Jul 2003) and my SSC on probation was terminated on award of permanent commission on 12 Jun 2004. There is a notification no 182 published in the Gazette of India, dated 9 April 2005 in which the President of India has made an appointment for both award of permanent commission (page 490) and also for award of SSC on probation (page 498 and 499).
3. In accordance with page 21, para 34, Defence Service Regulations(DSR), Pension Regulations for the Army Part 1 (2008), the minimum qualifying service for pension is 20 years for Officers. Page 11, Para 19(ii) of the same document specifies that ‘in the case of Engineering Graduates, if SSC on probation is followed by permanent commission, the period during which an officer holds SSC on probation will reckon for the purpose of pensionary benefits.’
4. A letter originated by Department of Ex-Serviceman Welfare no 17(4)/2008(2)/D (Pen/Policy) dated 12 Nov 2008 on the subject of Pension also gives benefit of adding short service commission on probation to qualifying service. Page 5, Note 1 of this letter states ‘Qualifying service would commence from the date of commission. In case the short service commission is followed by permanent commission, the period during which an officer holds SSC on probation will reckon for the purposes of pensionary benefits.’ .... CONTD
continued from last comment .....
ReplyDelete5. A similar entry for engineering graduates in the Indian Army the Technical Graduates Course (TGC) and is governed by Special Army Instuction (SAI) 1/S/94. Para 13 of this instruction states ‘….if short service commission is followed by permanent commission, the period during which an officer holds SSC on probation will reckon for the purposes of pensionary benefits.
6. My entry in the Indian Army is governed by AI 2/93 which has a paragraph (No 18) that contradicts the documents quoted above. It states ‘…the period of grant of SSC on probation will not count for seniority or pay or promotion or pension’. This paragraph has actually confused me because my training has been identical to my TGC course-mates and I was paid a salary of a Lieutenant in a similar manner to them. Names of both UES and TGC course officers are listed under the same Gazette notification quoted in para 2 above, which to my understanding implies that the grant of short service commission and its privileges are common to both entries.
7. A comparison of pension rules of navy can be made from the document ‘General regulations – Pension’ of the Indian Navy (2012). Chapter 1, Para 1(a)(ii) of this document clearly repeats what is laid out in DSR Pension regulations of Army 2008, ‘‘in the case of Engineering Graduates, if SSC on probation is followed by permanent commission, the period during which an officer holds SSC on probation will reckon for the purpose of pensionary benefits.’
8. I had posted a query to CDA for a clarification on my qualifying service for pension to which they replied that the qualifying service would be counted from date of permanent commission. I seek guidance to extract in writing from CDA that my qualifying service for pension will be calculated from my date of SSC on probation (date of joining IMA). I intend resigning from the army around Jul 2023, and need to be certain that CDA would reckon my SSC on probation towards my qualifying service for pension.
9. Thus, I seek some clarity whether my SSC on probation will reckon for pensionary benefits or will I have to serve physically for 20 years in order to earn my pension.
Warm regards,
Lt Col xxxxxx
NOTE in REPLY - we should consult AG's Branch (MP 5 & 6) rather than CDAs.
The QS starts drom the date of the start of the course at IMA for Tech Graduate entries.
Sir I took resignation after 7yrs of service. Am l entitled for gratuity. Ex major Urmila military nursing services